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The Tigerwoods Dubai Infrastructure
Client: Tatweer/ Tigerwoods
Contractor: Al Nasr Contracting Co. L.L.C
Consultant: Khatib & Alami
Scope of Works:
Construction, completion and maintenance of:
a)The TSE water supply line
The TSE water supply line feeds both the TSE lake and the TSE polishing plant. TSE plant is approx. 25000 m3/ day and for the TSE lake is 7000 m3/ day. The pipe material is HDPE with a total length of 1,320 m approx. and diameters varying from 300 to 600 mm.
b)TSE Irrigation Network:
The TSE irrigation ring is fed from the TSE lake and is sized to provide the required pressure at the points of connection to the tertiary irrigation networks. The pipe material for the TSE irrigation network is HDPE and its diameters vary from 150 to 600 mm. The total length of the irrigation ring is approx. 8,050 m with associated valve chambers, washout chambers and air valve chambers.
c) RO Lake Water Supply:
Water is pumped from the plant towards the feeding points of lakes through the RO supply network designed for a peak flow rate of 20,000 m3/ day. The pipe material used for the network is HDPE with a total length of approx. 5,550 m and with diameters varying 300 to 500 mm with associated flow control valves and valve chambers.
d)RO Reject Water Line:
The reject water expected from the TSE polishing plant amounts to approx. an average of 600 m3/ day. The reject water line is a HDPE line of 150 mm diageter and 2200 m length with associated valve chambers.
e) Fire Fighting Network:
The Fire fighting network is made of HDPE pipes with diameters ranging from 150 to 300 mm and a total length of approx. 14,800 m with associated fire hydrants, valve chambers, washout chambers and air valve chambers.

The work include a fire pumpstation and two concrete storage tanks each of a capacity of 500 m3. The fire pumps consists of one electrical pump, one diesel pump each of a capacity of 10 bars and a flow of 1000 gpm plus an additional jockey pump and 10 l/s flow capacity, in addition to a diesel storage tank and pressure vessel. Works for the pumping station shall include all mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural and structural works.
f) Sewerage Network:
The sewerage network will consist of a combination of gravity and pumped flows. The sewerage network will consist of approximately 13 kilometers of gravity pipe ranging in size from 200 to 400 mm diameter, 250 manholes, 1 pumping station, 6 lift stations and 5.5 kilometers of rising mains ranging in size from 100 to 250 mm in diameter with associated valve chambers, washout chambers and air valve chambers.

Works for pumping stations shall include all mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural and structural works.
g) Stormwater Network:
Two major drainage areas consisting of Golf Course and Non Golf Course areas. All Storm Water drainage will flow by gravity.

The Golf Course areas will drain in to the Golf course lake system. The intent is to drain all golf course areas directly to the nearest surface water body using gravity drainage network of pipes, inlets, land drains and soakaway pits.

The Non Golf course drainage area is divided into four sub-catchment areas. Each Non Golf course subcatchment area drains to a dedicated, unlined, Retention Pond.

The Stormwater network will consist of approx. 15 kilometers of pipe ranging in size from 250 to 800 mm diameter, and associated manholes and gullies. Each point of discharge to a retention pond will have al oil water separator structure.

Two stormwater pumping stations and associated rising mains to reroute stormwater runoff from 3 of the retention ponds to the dedicated TSE Lake for recovery and reuse as irrigation water.

Works for pumping stations shall include all mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural and structural works.
h) Potable Water:
Approx. 22 kilometers of pipe ranging iin size from 100 mm to 450 mm with associated valve chambers, washout chambers, and air valve chambers.
i)Street Lighting:
Feeder pillars, street lighting poles, and cabling. Independent street lighting system will be developed by newly proposed street lighting feeder pillar which will fed by the nearest 11/ 0.4 kv substations and will be controlled by the photocells and 24 hr timers to provide lighting at the adequate time.
j)11 KV network
Works only include the civil part of the substations. All other HV and LV cabling will be provided by DEWA.
k) Roadworks
Construction of driveway and car park.
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